Write for Us

page image write for us - Write for UsAs a blog, we are always looking for more writers to join our team in writing informative articles on chess and its tournaments and events.

Many articles on this blog consist out of information on the benefits and historical moments in the hobby of chess. Chess has many benefits to overall wellbeing and health. Joining chess clubs can also help in socializing and meeting new people. It is a good hobby to take up for expanding brain power and memory.

If you are an experienced writer or just have the information and knowledge needed to write articles and discussions on chess and its benefits, tournaments, clubs, and other events, you can contact us for more information on how to join our blog in witting.

In order to write for this blog, you will need to have knowledge of chess and also have skills in writing. Good punctuation, spelling, and grammar are important to writing articles on this blog.

To be considered for a writing job, please contact us on our contact page. You will need to submit at least 3 writing examples focused on chess and chess tournaments and clubs.

Greenville Chess Club strives to provide only reliable and trustworthy information on the game of chess. Knowledge around the game and tournaments are a must to be considered to write for the blog.

Greenville Chess Club updates frequently with new articles to keep readers informed and entertained. Articles will need to be submitted within the deadlines provided.